Curtiss is a registered organization development professional with over 30 years of experience as a leader, manager, internal and external consultant, and project manager. His body of technique is our Top Workgroup Series for Corporate Coaching Clients. Curtiss believes that the best defense is a strong offense. He approaches opportunities and problems directly, soliciting the involvement and cooperation of stakeholders to achieve sound business solutions. He often lectures at the University of Wisconsin Management Institute in Madison, Wisconsin and formerly an Assistant Professor at the MSOE graduate school of business. Curtiss has worked NGO’s, including 3M, Amoco (now BP Oil), Emerson Electric divisions, Lockheed Martin, Northrop, Danaher Corp, Citibank, and Harley-Davidson. Curtiss has authored several published articles and book chapters on building high-performance organizations and managing assessment and development initiatives. His work has been published by the ICFAI University Press, American Society for Training & Development, the International Journal of Effective Organizations, among others. Curtiss is the author of several standard multi-rater 360o feedback assessment instruments. They include the Management & Leadership Profile, Team Effectiveness Profile, Selling with Integrity Profile, and Management Candidate Profile.